Monday, November 30, 2015

                                                                 Kindness                                                    Student Success Statement

"Kindness is the essence of greatness"             
         Joseph B. Wirthlin

Being kind to someone is great and there's a purpose, to make someone happy. Now that's the essence of greatness right there and its great. Everything is better with a lot of kindness in your life. People will know you as a kind and wonderful person for being nice. Like the movie Norbit, he respected the entire town and everyone and even the shop owners are being really kind to him. You can do that to when you are kind to other people and not be mean.
                                                  Thanksgiving Week

  1. Well first my dad and my mom called there brothers and sisters to come eat with us in thanksgiving so we can eat as a family.
  2. I went Santa Monica with my cousins because they never been to Santa Monica before so my dad was kind enough to take us there.
  3. I met my Aunt and her kids from Fresno and I got along with there kids.
  4. I watched the Free Birds because it involved thanksgiving.
  5. I played soccer with all my cousins and there was a lot of them and I got to say, all of them have talent in soccer and since there a lot of them it was an intense match.
  6. Well my little cousin Adam, he was 2 years old and no one would let him score so I grabbed the ball and gave it to him and he kicked the ball and let him scored.
  7. Well to be honest, I didn't read any books Mr. Haymore sorry.
  8. I had to do a pamphlet about diseases and explain what they do and draw pictures but typing was available but I didn't have internet.
  9. On that week on Friday, it was my dads birthday and also my best friend javiers birthday on the same day. I was surprised at first but then I had a blast with all of my cousins.
  10. I can't wait till Christmas.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

                                        Student Success Statement
         "If it is not right do not do it;if it is not true do not say it."
                                               Marcus Aurelius
Well i really agree with this quote because it is true. You really don't want everything to be worse now do you? Just tell the truth so then you won't get into more trouble,neither saying whats not true. Look I know its not easy to be telling somebody the truth but you have to for the sake of you and the trust from friends and family. People wont start believing you for lying to much but to change. Change from being a lying evil person to the good honest person. Doing the right thing and telling the truth will really affect you and your life and everyone special to you because you will be telling the truth for now on. Don't do nothing illegal that affect your career but do something legal, you get me. No more crimes, no more bad language, no more drugs or smoking etc. So remember,"If it is not right do not do it and if it is not true do not say it."  

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvestand of the preceding year. It is celebrated on the second Monday
 of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations. Thanksgiving has its historical roots in religious and cultural traditions and has long been celebrated in a Secular manner as well.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

                                       Student Success Statement
                   "Doing what is right, fair and honorable."

      "Doing what is right fair                             and honorable is more
        important than winning or

                                                                                                                                                                                                Chick Moorman
Well being nice to people is one thing. Getting kindness from other people is more important than winning or losing. Winning a game is winning a game but doing the right thing is happens more often. Sure you can get respect from other just because you win a game with your team, but doing the right  thing isn't a competition see where I'm getting at. When you do the right thing you don't or you don't win anything. Its just a normal way of being kind to other people, because doing the right thing isn't a competition. You won't have to be frustrated because you lose at something. You just become happy for what you are doing which is choosing the right path. Keep that in mind that doing the right thing is more important than winning or losing a game.                                                                                                                    
Duties and Responsibilities: Oncology specialists are physicians trained in a variety of cancer diagnostic and treatment procedures, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Typical oncology specialists may have as much as 15 years of advanced education and training, which includes undergraduate studies, medical school, and one or more residency training programs. Additionally, license is required to practice as a physician. The American Board of Medical Specialties certifies oncology physicians in five different specialized areas, including radiation, medical, surgical and pediatric oncology.
Salary: $276,873 annually and 5,324 weekly
Education: Bachelor’s and Master Degree

Reflection: I would want to be an oncologist so I could know what causes cancer and how does cancer look like and find out different ways to cure it but in person.

Friday, November 13, 2015

                  Student Success Statement
1.Have the courage to say no
2.Have the courage to face the
truth.3.Do the right thing because it is
These are the 3 magic keys to living
          your life with integrity
             W. Clement Stone
These 3 steps are in fact good for choosing the right. Well a mean person will struggle with these steps because there afraid on what will happen to them. But its simple to a person that's choosing the right, its like a walk in a park. These 3 steps can lead you to be a better person. You gotta have the courage to say no. For Example: A random person asks you for a pencil but they ask you more often so you gotta say no to remind them to bring there supplies. Have the courage to face the truth. For Example: You have really bad grades on your report card and you think that if you show them to your parents they will punish you severely. But explain to your parents that you will improve on your grades and that you will go to tutoring and get better grades, then they will support you when you need help with school. Do the right thing because it is right. Now don't judge this quote because its true, you need to do right things because its the right things to do so don't do anything evil. 

Duties and Responsibilities: Auto mechanics normally inspect, maintain or repair any of a vehicle's systems, from its body to engines and electrical or computer systems. Some employers only require a high school diploma and provide on-the-job training to mechanics, while others require the completion of a formal educational program that includes coursework and hands-on practice working with vehicles. Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification is commonly required after mechanics begin working.
Salary: 36,067 a year and $17 hourly.
Education: Associates Degree

Reflection: Well-being a mechanic can help plan on fixing my car once in a while even other peoples car when I get the chance. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

                                                         Veterans Day
                                November 11

  1. A public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War 1 to honor US veterans and victims of all wars
  2. November 11
  3. To honor the soldiers who sacrificed their lives to serve and protect this nation in World War 1
  4. Veterans Day show respect for those willing to give their lives to the country and to serve their country.
  5. Well if you own a business, make a Veterans Day discount. Read a book or watch a documentary about the lives of soldiers.Donate to "The Mission Continues."Attend to a Veterans Days parade.Remember Veterans Day all year long, not just on Veterans.
  6.                               Thank you Veterans

7. Well that American Soldiers care for everyone and protect everyone from whatever comes there way.
8. Wow to be honest even though I'm mexican that America has a kind heart for letting any citizen from outside of America come and live there lives here. The soldiers are the reason that we are safe because they can destroy any bad nation that interferes with the great nation of the United States of America.

Friday, November 6, 2015

                                                           Shall be wise
              He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but 
                     a companion of fools shall be destroyed
Well basically you need to be around with nice people not mean people. Depending on your attitude is what you go for. Don't go with mean people and your the only person that's good cause they will bully you and make fun of you.v Don't even let a mean person come with nice people because he will either be mean to them or convince them to be mean to others, we don't want more bad people in this world. Being with nice people can really change  your life since they are nice people. Everyone around you will respect you for being nice. Now, being mean how ever will make people wish that you are away from them and you won't get accepted by anyone around you. Don't make another fool of yourself like those delinquents in the streets that sell drugs and that kill people. Be a nice person. Be good.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

                               To Do Good                            
            "The best Recreation is to do good."
                                                                     William Penn
What the quote is trying to explain is that the best thing you can do is trying to be good. That's the best thing ever if your trying to prove to the world that your good. There are so many reasons why you should do good instead of bad. Just have a great attitude and be wonderful to the people around you. The reason why doing good is the best is that you care for everyone around instead of only yourself most of the time. If you do good and you want an award for it that doesn't count for the fact that your only doing good just to get an award, its only if people want to give it to you. Be also good with your family and friends because they are really special for you, there the ones that support you and care for and love you the most.

Monday, November 2, 2015

    "Right is right, even if everyone is against it;"    

    And wrong is wrong,even if everyone is for it." 
                                            William Penn 
Well not everyone can accept the fact that you can't always do right. But also not                           everyone accepts the fact that you can't also do wrong neither. People can do anything and make their own decisions. Whether its right or wrong but think about what your doing for the sake of your future. Just because people do wrong, do you? Well where not playing follow the leader so no, if you want you can join them in the bad side. If you choose the right and everyone else is wrong should you also agree with them? No, look even when you stand alone don't agree to them because theirs more wrong people than you. Sure you can stand alone sometimes but hey, at least your choosing the right. Your making the right decisions while the wrong people are gonna regret the wrong decisions they made.
                   Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities: Health educators teach people about behaviors that promote wellness. They develop and implement strategies to improve the health of individuals and communities. Community health workers collect data and discuss health concerns with members of specific populations or communities.
Salary: $41,830 a year and $20.11 an hour
Education: Bachelor’s degree and health education or promotion

Reflection: Well its interesting so yeah because, since it evolves helping the community about health